One day, Saijō Haruto was forced bythe Evil God ofanother world into reincarnation, and his soul was cursed.
Hewas reborn into aworld ofswords and magic.
Inthis world, one can become stronger byraising the level oftheir combat occupations.
Unfortunately, Halt cannot raise his level because ofthe curse.
Halt felt hopeless.
However, because ofthe Evil God’s miscalculation, Halt obtained aninexhaustible supply ofmagical power.
This isthe tale ofhow aSage—cursed tohave a«Locked» Status—managed toreach the pinnacle ofstrength bythe effect ofthe curse.
Hewas reborn into aworld ofswords and magic.
Inthis world, one can become stronger byraising the level oftheir combat occupations.
Unfortunately, Halt cannot raise his level because ofthe curse.
Halt felt hopeless.
However, because ofthe Evil God’s miscalculation, Halt obtained aninexhaustible supply ofmagical power.
This isthe tale ofhow aSage—cursed tohave a«Locked» Status—managed toreach the pinnacle ofstrength bythe effect ofthe curse.
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