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Kitsune of the Blue Sun
Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Kitsune of the Blue Sun

186 Chapters 395 Views 21 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


While studying some ancient ruins in a Scandinavian forest, an amateur archaeologist finds herself in a predicament. Something happens and she finds herself meeting a kitsune goddess. Join us as we watch what happens in her new life as she goes on a journey to reach the side of her Fated One.

Hello all, this is my second novel I'm posting here. I welcome all of you. If you are familiar with my previous work, then you know we are in for a trip of truly Fluffy proportions. This time with more fluff, action, and adventure. And Fluff. Definitely more Fluff. If you are new to my worlds, then welcome, I hope you have a wonderfully fluffy time.

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