Marin found himself in the body of a young wandering knight who was driven out of the house. Forced into the 15th Century, he was armed with only a horse, a breastplate, and a lance.
He was soon caught up in the era of German mercenaries established by Maximilian I. And so he decided to become a mercenary. Relying on his half-baked internet knowledge, he will establish his own mercenary force. Waging war with French knights and Swiss armies, even Emperors and Kings must beg of him.
He was soon caught up in the era of German mercenaries established by Maximilian I. And so he decided to become a mercenary. Relying on his half-baked internet knowledge, he will establish his own mercenary force. Waging war with French knights and Swiss armies, even Emperors and Kings must beg of him.
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