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Infinite Farmer: A Plants vs Dungeon
Infinite Farmer: A Plants vs Dungeon

Infinite Farmer: A Plants vs Dungeon

84 Chapters 338 Views 86 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Betrayed. Alone. Forced to survive the deadliest dungeon in the universe. As a Farmer.

Tulland dreamed of adventure.

To be someone who sees every-place, goes every-where, and does every-thing.

All he wanted was to go beyond the confines of his tiny island. So, when the Church denied him a class, he turned to the only other being that could grant him his wish; The System.

And the System delivered. Tulland got a Class, but not one he ever wished for. Awakening as a Farmer, he finds himself in the one place where he can grow away from the clutches of the Church — The Infinite; a dungeon whose end even heroes of old have never seen. Armed with what dregs of power the System deigned to give him, Tulland will have to figure out how to survive, and cultivate, the universe’s deadliest dungeon.


+ Progression fantasy with actual farming!

+ A very stubborn MC

+ Combat! Action! Plants!


+ Daily (7 chapters per week) (more while we’re starting out)

+ Book 1 completely written!

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