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Inexorable Chaos
Inexorable Chaos

Inexorable Chaos

292 Chapters 8.3K Views 41 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


What happens when a summoned hero completes their task given by those from up above? When a summoned hero returns back to earth after having saved the world, do they still get to live a normal life?

The answer is actually yes, they usually do. They get married to the one they love, have kids, and then death takes them away.

Of course, that is only usually. There are a select few who choose not to… think the same way.

Some of them find such a life boring, dull even.

They want to taste for adventure once more, feed their drive for exploration! Power, wealth, another life, they want it all. So, what do they do? Why, they do what Quasi does…

They sell themselves to the gods.

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