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Indestructible God King
Indestructible God King

Indestructible God King

345 Chapters 6K Views 21 Bookmarked Completed Status


Wang Keisamoney driven merchant who happens tohave knowledge from modern-day Earth. Henavigates through life with brilliant mind games, asilver tongue, a«uniquely powerful» energy technique, and afair bit ofluck. Having rescued and escorted aninfluential princess back tothe Heavenly Wolf Sect earns him the privilege ofbecoming the Sect Lord’s disciple, who inturn would become his business backing and the dispeller ofacurse which hauntedhim. However, this newfound position dragged him into conflicts with both the righteous and the demonic sects.

Hetravels through those troubled waters with his craftiness, fooling both factions and inthe process attaining prominent positions onthe two sides. After all was said and done, money was still his top priority! Making money with Earth’s modern ways! How will this money-grubbing fellow influence the righteous and demonic balance, and the fate ofthe entire world?

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