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I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

244 Chapters 2.1K Views 70 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


As a young Peter Quill slowly starves to death in a prison cell on Yondu’s Ravager ship, another soul appears and merges with his body, causing the two souls to mix and become one.

A child who lost his mother to cancer and was abducted by space pirates in the very same night…

A middle-aged man from another universe with all sorts of future knowledge packed into his head…

Both trapped in a much darker version of the MCU. Oh! And it’s Star Wars as well!

Male Lead/Main Character: Peter Quill or Star-Lord.

Female Lead/Love Interest(s): ????? (A/N: I was thinking of having two partners for Peter since Star-Lord is known to be promiscuous, but we’ll see. IDK yet.)

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