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I’m Only A Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor
I’m Only A Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor

I’m Only A Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor

125 Chapters 21.8K Views 28 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


After crossing the world, he has now reclaimed his life as a person named “Sherlock Forrest”, an exceptional graduate from Hogwarts.

Right after he was thrown into this wizarding world, he immediately got a letter that he was appointed to be the next Defense Against Dark Arts professor in Hogwarts in the 2nd year.

But he had just crossed to this world and he barely knew how to use cast magic, especially he knew very well that this position is widely believed to be “Cursed”. There’s no way for him to escape in this situation, he takes the role and does his best.

Though, one thing that Sherlock doesn’t know is that, danger lingers around. So many unknown things that are unexplainable are coming toward him. The Order, The Birthmark, His Mother and everything. What does it mean? He will find out the answer.

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