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If I Happened to Tame my Brother Well
If I Happened to Tame my Brother Well

If I Happened to Tame my Brother Well

13 Chapters 56 Views 15 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Is there anything scarier than being born as a traitor’s sister?

Euphil Raize, my half-brother from a different mother will start a rebellion and kill the royal family, including me.

That is why I will try my hardest to survive into adulthood and leave the palace safely before my brother started his rebellion.

“Mirthy, don’t worry I will protect you.”

Euphil held my 7 year old hand gently, his blonde hair twinkling against the sun rays. His handsome face was smiling at me warmly.

I don’t need any protection from you is what I wanted to say but I couldn’t say it to him, could I?!

Perhaps, have I happened to tame my brother too well?

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