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I Won’t Accept Your Regrets
I Won’t Accept Your Regrets

I Won’t Accept Your Regrets

190 Chapters 16.4K Views 62 Bookmarked Completed Status


“I can’t promise you love, but I’ll have no other woman but you.”

I thought it would be okay. Even if he didn’t love me, I thought my love would make our marriage happy. But that naive wish was soon shattered.

Because Lizzena, Raymond’s first love, came back with a kid.

“Lize is trying to make her child be the First Prince,” he told me.

“Let’s get a divorce.”

I decided to abandon him.



Raymond’s eyes shook violently as if he didn’t understand my words. His agitation, seen for the first time, for some reason made me feel relieved.

I opened my lips to him again with a soft smile: “I want to leave you. So Raymond, let’s stop now. Divorce me.”

It was the end of a long unrequited love.

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