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I will be The Monkey God!
I will be The Monkey God!

I will be The Monkey God!

184 Chapters 4.2K Views 38 Bookmarked Completed Status


Our protagonist, Michu, one day received achance toplay the VRGame! Agame that has given another view tothe fantasy for all earthlings. Countless prodigies had been born ever since and their reach exceeds that ofcelebrities. Their battles, videos, and live streams were just simply more thrilling and interesting.

Knowing that the game has changed the lives ofmany people, Michu entered the world offreedom intending tochange his life aswell.
His plan? Get the banana farm and sell high-quality bananas ashis goal was tobecome The MonkeyGod! Bananas from the Monkey God will dowonders inthe future!

And that was reality asMichu received aspiritual will ofthe monkeygod!

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