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I Really Didn’t Want to Increase My Favorability!
I Really Didn’t Want to Increase My Favorability!

I Really Didn’t Want to Increase My Favorability!

262 Chapters 27.1K Views 147 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


As someone who had always aspired to live a laid-back life, Xu Lin received the news of his hometown’s old house’s demolition at the age of 24. As a result he would be compensated with about 5 million. But before he could grasp the feeling of being a second-generation displaced person, he blinked and found himself back in the green years of being 17.

Now, he had to embrace the “salted fish” state once again and wait for another 7 years. Despite his initial thoughts, a peculiar thing happened due to a confession incident, disrupting his plans.

[Congratulations Host on activating the Twelve Zodiac Love System!]

Thus his fate became entangled with 12 different types of girls…

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