Yuan Buwei was bound by a villain whitewashing system,
System 999 carefully taught the host:
1: Behave yourself and be a good person.
2: Salted fish for the win, by kneeling and licking the protagonist you can lie down and win.
3: Don’t make trouble, don’t make trouble, don’t make trouble!
Yuan Buwei (a sword swing overturned the protagonist): No problem. I’m best at convincing people with reason. What trouble? Nonexistent.
System 999 carefully taught the host:
1: Behave yourself and be a good person.
2: Salted fish for the win, by kneeling and licking the protagonist you can lie down and win.
3: Don’t make trouble, don’t make trouble, don’t make trouble!
Yuan Buwei (a sword swing overturned the protagonist): No problem. I’m best at convincing people with reason. What trouble? Nonexistent.
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