A Virtual Reality game praised for its extreme difficulty.
Hanseong was once a top-tier ranker, but got trapped inside the game which has lots of death flags!
It’s hard to survive with his current stats which are similar to that of a mob so Hanseong configures his status in order to achieve a high level of luck!
Obtaining skills from random boxes? Hitting the jackpot from the slot machine? A person overflowing with luck! So, can Hanseong safely clear this game by only relying on his luck?
Hanseong was once a top-tier ranker, but got trapped inside the game which has lots of death flags!
It’s hard to survive with his current stats which are similar to that of a mob so Hanseong configures his status in order to achieve a high level of luck!
Obtaining skills from random boxes? Hitting the jackpot from the slot machine? A person overflowing with luck! So, can Hanseong safely clear this game by only relying on his luck?
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