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I Can Copy Talents
I Can Copy Talents

I Can Copy Talents

2150 Chapters 16.2K Views 348 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


The young man Ye Tian obtains the ability to copy the talents of others and now fights against the heavens to change his fate.

He struggles to survive and protect his sister from the apocalypse of the alien beast invasion.

In order to become stronger, he begins to explore the unknown world and gradually reveals the secret behind the invasion of the alien dimensions.


Ye Tian: My friend, your ferocious beast, the armored rhinoceros, is pretty good. Can you let me touch it? The proud daughter of a certain heaven nodded in confusion. Ye Tian touched an armored rhinoceros and secretly copied the armored rhino's top defensive talent.

Ye Tian: Friend, let’s be friends. Ye Tian stretched out his right hand, shook hands with the somewhat confused genius, and secretly copied the other person's advanced cultivation talent, revealing...

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