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I Became the Progenitor Vampire
I Became the Progenitor Vampire

I Became the Progenitor Vampire

72 Chapters 467 Views 122 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Reed has accidentally crossed over into a virtual reality game that is not due for release until a year later.

Inside the game, he is a Progenitor Vampire that has been hiding amongst humans to study magic that also owns an ancient castle with over 200 vampiric descendants.

What a roller-coaster ride.

Thankfully, he can still return back to Earth. But the biggest crisis staring down upon him is the open beta scheduled for a year later, and the coming of the players.

How can he, as a vampire, get strong enough to fight against the oncoming catastrophe incarnates – the players themselves!!

This is the tale of a Progenitor Vampire leading a group of vampires and humans farming the land.

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