Inthe Wizarding world, everyone knows what’s Magic.
But… does anyone know what’s pure magic?
Join Chris asheexplores the wizarding world and realizes that… the books couldn’t even describe the half ofit. There’s more toitthan just aTom, Harry, and Dumbledore.
Chris isasmart and talented college student, but hehad nomotivation inlife. What would heget after studying for hours like adog? Money? Hecould find easier ways toget that. Then, fortunately, orunfortunately, hedied and reincarnated tothe Harry Potter world.
«Ihave magic?!»
Finally, hehad found something which hecould never get bored of—Magic!
The eccentric genius with apenchant for breaking rules has got his hands onmagic inhis favorite world.
Hefinally has apurpose inlife— toexplore magic toits very limits!
→ Starting Point: Amuggle-born orphan with nothing tocall his own.
(This book becomes great inthe later chapters. The beginning chapters need rewriting since Iwas just writing for fun inthe beginning soquality isn’t asgood asthe later chapters, though they are still bearable since this book has 20k collections. The MCisabit evil/scummy inthe beginning but his character improves ashis relations with the other characters deepen.)
So, most ofthis obviously belongs toJ.K.-Billionaire-Rowling. I’m just writing afanfiction out ofit.
The cover art issadly, not mine either.
(Also, the title used tobe«IHave Magic» but since the story ismore about exploring this great variable called «Pure Magic,» Ichange the name abit.)
Also, try reading «HP: AMagical Journey» aswell, ifyou haven’t already readit. The book’s great and the author helped meout alot!
But… does anyone know what’s pure magic?
Join Chris asheexplores the wizarding world and realizes that… the books couldn’t even describe the half ofit. There’s more toitthan just aTom, Harry, and Dumbledore.
Chris isasmart and talented college student, but hehad nomotivation inlife. What would heget after studying for hours like adog? Money? Hecould find easier ways toget that. Then, fortunately, orunfortunately, hedied and reincarnated tothe Harry Potter world.
«Ihave magic?!»
Finally, hehad found something which hecould never get bored of—Magic!
The eccentric genius with apenchant for breaking rules has got his hands onmagic inhis favorite world.
Hefinally has apurpose inlife— toexplore magic toits very limits!
→ Starting Point: Amuggle-born orphan with nothing tocall his own.
(This book becomes great inthe later chapters. The beginning chapters need rewriting since Iwas just writing for fun inthe beginning soquality isn’t asgood asthe later chapters, though they are still bearable since this book has 20k collections. The MCisabit evil/scummy inthe beginning but his character improves ashis relations with the other characters deepen.)
So, most ofthis obviously belongs toJ.K.-Billionaire-Rowling. I’m just writing afanfiction out ofit.
The cover art issadly, not mine either.
(Also, the title used tobe«IHave Magic» but since the story ismore about exploring this great variable called «Pure Magic,» Ichange the name abit.)
Also, try reading «HP: AMagical Journey» aswell, ifyou haven’t already readit. The book’s great and the author helped meout alot!
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