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How Much For Your Soul?
How Much For Your Soul?

How Much For Your Soul?

67 Chapters 1.7K Views 13 Bookmarked Completed Status


Agod isbored. This isnever agood thing, especially ifyou are chosen torelieve that boredom.

Two people that argue over afan-fiction are selected toenter aworld this god created and prove their arguments byliving them!

One, amale that realizes that this brutal world isachance tolive out his desires, the other, afemale that holds upEarth’s values and morals, believing that just because the world changes, aperson does not change their personality.

This story follows the male’s point ofview.


Thanks toTales ofDemons and Gods Wikia, Ipillaged like aViking.

Obviously, this isaTDG fan-fiction with systems from other novels, socredit goes tooriginal authors. Also, this isawork offiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products ofthe author’s imagination orused inafictitious manner. Any resemblance toactual persons, living ordead, oractual events ispurely coincidental.

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