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Harry Potter: The Golden Viper
Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

486 Chapters 2.1K Views 44 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


[A Harry Potter Fanfic]

In this Harry Potter fanfic, a young boy is reborn into the wizarding world and embarks on a remarkable journey. After graduating from school, he adopts a hidden persona and delves into the secretive aspects of the British wizarding community. Striking a balance between light and darkness, he explores magic while supporting the orphanage where he grew up. However, destiny calls him back to Hogwarts on a mission with uncertain motives. As he returns to the school, his predetermined destiny sets him on a new path, forever changing his journey.


This is based on a CN novel, but I have changed the story, its characters and powerups in the original.

I don't own the picture in the novel cover, if there's some problems contact me in reviews section, then i will take it down.


I will post some Extra Chapters in patreon, you can check it out. >>

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