[You have gained the favor of the Guarantee System.]
[The system will support whatever the host wants and guarantee it in an all out success.]
[Points will be gained after each guaranteed mission is completed.]
[When the accumulated point reaches the required amount, it can be withdrawn into your bank account.]
[Points gained are doubled when action is taken on a woman…]
[What will be your first mission?]
Ken who was about to take his own life, after he had experienced a very tragic emotion, was stopped after his life flashed before his eyes.
"What is this?"
A Cyan screen displayed at the front of his face.
Reading all the messages displayed, Ken read the most captivating one wit the question
[What will be your first mission?]
Ken knew just that right thing to do, as he saw that the system was going to be able to guarantee all he wanted. And with a smirk on his face he said.
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