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Gleam [Karma Cultivator Isekai]
Gleam [Karma Cultivator Isekai]

Gleam [Karma Cultivator Isekai]

136 Chapters 3.8K Views 55 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Everybody wants a second shot at life. Many get it - chosen by roaming angels and sent off to another word full of magic and cultivation, where they can live in ways that could only be dreamed of on earth. Where the only thing that dictated their fate was power.

Anyone that met Chance would have agreed that he deserved it more than most.

Life isn't that easy. Just like everything else, there are rules and regulations - and Chance didn't make the cut. Not until a lucky encounter gets him a one-way ticket to his future. A world where he can make something of himself.

If only Chance hadn't landed in the middle of an endless maze full of monsters salivating for his life. Isolated and lost, the only thing he has to work with is his strange, luck based magic and his determination to finally live a life worth living.

Fortunately, he has a whole lot of good Karma built up.

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