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Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy
Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

310 Chapters 8.2K Views 47 Bookmarked Completed Status


What happens when you combined ahidden genius with avirtual world where anything ispossible?

What ifthat world becomes real?

Full Dive… Asystem for Virtual Reality where the person isput into adream state that allows them toexperience avirtual world. Eternal Phantasy aVRMMO produced byEternal Games was the first ofits kind asitmade use ofthe Full Dive system toallow players toimmerse themselves inavirtual MMO.

Misaki Mitsu, ahidden genius whose scores were always inthe top ten ofher grade. She could beconsidered arare genius ifitwas not for the fact that she would prefer toplay video games all day and night instead ofkeeping upwith her academics. Misaki slept during class and played games all night. But still was able tokeep herself inthe top ten ofher grade. She had waited along time since preorders were first announced toplay Eternal Phantasy. Agame where everything isdetermined bythe player.

«Mitsu did you start playing Eternal Phantasy yet?»

«Yeah, Idid.»

«Ihaven’t started yet and was wondering what race topick. Which one did you choose?»

«Demon Lord.»


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