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Flash Marriage: He is a Wife-pampering Addict
Flash Marriage: He is a Wife-pampering Addict

Flash Marriage: He is a Wife-pampering Addict

555 Chapters 15.1K Views 27 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Eighteen years ago, she saved his life. Eighteen years later, he gave his heart to her. He asked her if she was willing to be sexually abstinent for the rest of her life, yet he kept her busy day and night. To the public, he’s sexual impotent, but only she knows how sexually passionate he is. In his special way, he let the entire world that she was his one and only!Eighteen years ago, she saved his life. Eighteen years later, he gave his heart to her. He asked her if she was willing to be sexually abstinent for the rest of her life, yet he kept her busy day and night. To the public, he’s sexual impotent, but only she knows how sexually passionate he is. In his special way, he let the entire world that she was his one and only!

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