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Finding a Yandere in Reverse World
Finding a Yandere in Reverse World

Finding a Yandere in Reverse World

80 Chapters 850 Views 62 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


As she held her knife to my throat she spoke to me. "I am going to rape you."

"What?" I laughed.

This is a classic tale of reverse gender morality/chastity about a dude named Jason. Jason's life was neither awful nor great before. Just a chill guy living a chill life. He has always dreamed of being pursued by a Yandere, but that's just not how women work in real life. Until, *Isekai noises* He wakes up in a reverse world.

While most men might pursue a Harem, Jason (a bit of a masochist) just wants to be held down, tied up, and loved the way only an insane stalker could. Realizing that Women and men have reversed he see's this as his opportunity to shoot for the stars and seek out his goal.

Women out number men 3:1 in the new world.

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