Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress
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Today, Ichooseyou. And I’ll choose you over and over again. Without pause, without adoubt, inaheartbeat, I’ll keep choosing you.» -A
What would happen when atop assassin with atragic background suddenly wakes uplosing her memory after along coma?
Five years after living her new identity, Katherine meets many misfortunes. With the help ofher friend, she takes onthe role ofasecretary-slash-assistant for the country’s popular bachelor, Damien Park, Aka the Resort King. But who would have thought that onher first day ofwork, her boss would end upbeing her bane ofexistence?
With asmirk onhis devilish, handsome face, Damien drags her tohis office and presses her against the wall until his face isjust inches away… «How dare you show upinfront ofmefive years late?»
Surprised bythe forceful antics ofthe man infront ofher, Katherine blurted, «Mister Whoever you are, let mego!»
«What? Whoever… Iam? Kitten, you better not think that you can get away with feigning ignorance. After disappearing that night, Ithought you would already beonthe other side ofthe world. Isbeing mysecretary another one ofyour lies? Laughable.»
Katherine’s fate from then onentangled with his asshe began tospend more time withhim. The more she does, the more her true self isrevealed… and this would scare her.
Will she allow herself tofall inlove withhim?
What would happen when atop assassin with atragic background suddenly wakes uplosing her memory after along coma?
Five years after living her new identity, Katherine meets many misfortunes. With the help ofher friend, she takes onthe role ofasecretary-slash-assistant for the country’s popular bachelor, Damien Park, Aka the Resort King. But who would have thought that onher first day ofwork, her boss would end upbeing her bane ofexistence?
With asmirk onhis devilish, handsome face, Damien drags her tohis office and presses her against the wall until his face isjust inches away… «How dare you show upinfront ofmefive years late?»
Surprised bythe forceful antics ofthe man infront ofher, Katherine blurted, «Mister Whoever you are, let mego!»
«What? Whoever… Iam? Kitten, you better not think that you can get away with feigning ignorance. After disappearing that night, Ithought you would already beonthe other side ofthe world. Isbeing mysecretary another one ofyour lies? Laughable.»
Katherine’s fate from then onentangled with his asshe began tospend more time withhim. The more she does, the more her true self isrevealed… and this would scare her.
Will she allow herself tofall inlove withhim?
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