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Falling into the Abyss
Falling into the Abyss

Falling into the Abyss

134 Chapters 3.6K Views 17 Bookmarked Completed Status


Ethan, the former secretary working for the Energy Bureau ofEarth Union, was detained inaplace called ‘Forbidden City’ after being deprived ofhis moral value points for committing treason. Everyone inthe city istr*sh among humans. They have tocontinually goonspecified hazardous and terrifying missions for the sake ofatonement and toexchange moral values points. Iftheir moral value points reach 100 one day, they would obtain achance tobereleased from the Forbidden City and return tothe world ofthe humans torestart their lives asahuman. But itwas said that once someone enters the Forbidden City, noone can come out alive.

Ethan just wanted tolive, but from his first mission, hefelt like hehad descended into awhirlpool ofterror. Infront ofthese huge monsters that could devour the entire universe, hecan only keep falling.

This novel isinspired byLovecraftian horror.

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