His life changes when hediscovers aunique magic and suddenly becomes adirect subordinate ofafalse god inapopular VRMMO. Hebecomes one ofthe few who can sell warlock spells and abilities toother players and NPCs. With aterritory torule hehas toconstantly get stronger and develop his own strength ifhewants tostay ontop.
This isaVRMMO story about awarlock who makes aplace for himself inavirtual world bybecoming an«arms dealer». Hesells shadow magic, mental magic, and his own unique ethereal magic toearn more power from his patron. There issome action, abit ofcomedy, apinch ofworld building, and asplash ofromance. Join Lucan onhis rise topower ashedevelops while adventuring through the many realms inside the game «Evolution».
This isaVRMMO story about awarlock who makes aplace for himself inavirtual world bybecoming an«arms dealer». Hesells shadow magic, mental magic, and his own unique ethereal magic toearn more power from his patron. There issome action, abit ofcomedy, apinch ofworld building, and asplash ofromance. Join Lucan onhis rise topower ashedevelops while adventuring through the many realms inside the game «Evolution».
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