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Endless Ascension
Endless Ascension

Endless Ascension

311 Chapters 4.7K Views 67 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Embarking on a journey through a mysterious realm filled with boundless dangers and boundless opportunities, Qin Ze, an ordinary soul, is imbued with an extraordinary system that promises unparalleled power and growth.

With each challenge overcome, be it fierce battles against demonic beasts or treacherous schemes woven by cunning foes, Qin Ze's strength soars to new heights.

This is a tale of relentless progression, where the protagonist's will to survive and thrive fuels his relentless pursuit of becoming the strongest entity in existence.

As Qin Ze delves deeper into the secrets of this vast universe, he uncovers ancient legacies, forms powerful alliances, and faces off against the titans that once ruled the land.

But amidst the chaos and bloodshed, he never forgets his roots and the promise he made to protect those he cares about.

“Unrivaled Ascension” is a thrilling adventure of self-discovery, boundless potential, and the ultimate triumph of perseverance over adversity.

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