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Did she already know what I would ask her for?
Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Did she already know what I would ask her for?

277 Chapters 2.3K Views 159 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


If I have to modify my status then I would start with my two wishes: Strength and women.

99 points to strength and with it I would fulfill my first wish, and not only that, but by using my strength I will be able to obtain a lot of money and, with it, women.

'[Reset Status Points]'

Mentally pressing the reset button changed all my status points to just one attribute…


"I'll tell you why you should keep that slave for me until I buy her…"

Feeling smarter than ever I used every possible argument to convince the slave dealer not to sell that slave until I had the money to buy her. After all…

That slave is not only beautiful, she also has [Masochist] in her state!

I must buy her!



Explicit sexual content begins in chapter 21.

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