Destroying the Virgin-the Making of a Saint-
In the midst of all this, Takagi encountered “Fukiyama Akane,” who was gifted with both intelligence and beauty, and she was a “virgin mary”. Amidst the excitement and frenzy he had never experienced in his life, he made a resolution based on his distorted and insane thoughts.
『I must perpetually preserve the existence of her beauty. The responsibility lies with me. To achieve this, I thought about what kind of treatment I needed to administer to her. After studying medical science at university, I arrived at a conclusion. To preserve her beauty eternally, it would be an impossibility in this hideous, fragile, flesh-and-blood state. Her limbs, which deny me, her foul, reddish-black organs, and her muddy flesh and blood are all unnecessary to her. In order to preserve her existence for all eternity, I made her into a “living doll”.』
The current Akane is imperfect. The present… Akane’s flesh and spirit will all be destroyed, and a new, flawless Akane will be created.
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