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Demon Lord Gets Married
Demon Lord Gets Married

Demon Lord Gets Married

Author: ,
264 Chapters 3.2K Views 35 Bookmarked Completed Status


Yin Xu, a super genius of cultivating demonic arts in history. However, once his failed to get through the tribulation and became a mortal, even a reputed good-for-nothing at last.

So what if he was a tr*sh, he can still cultivate the demonic arts!

So what if he couldn’t ascend, he can still be the lord above everyone else, but excepting someone!

As to the man…

Yin Xu: “Next time, I must ride on you!”

Teng Yu: “Good! If you don’t want the Yang energy to replenish your Yin energy.”

Yin Xu: “Oh! Forget it. Cultivating my demonic arts is the most important!!!”

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