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Daily Life of the Wealthy
Daily Life of the Wealthy

Daily Life of the Wealthy

104 Chapters 5.8K Views 18 Bookmarked Completed Status


In his previous life, Mu Yixi, an illegitimate child, was taken back to the Mu family by Mrs Mu. Doing everything possible to deceive her and break her trust, he caused Mu family to shatter into pieces. But in this life, he is truly sincere about being a family.

He loves Mrs. Mu like his real mother, his two half-siblings are his pride and joy and while he still doesn’t like his father, he will not let him die like in his last life.

As Mu Yixi begins this new life, he gets to go to do the things wealthy people would do, unlike in his past. A vacation in France, all the pastries, clothes, and toys he’d want. He began to live a wealthy life filled with familial love.

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