Class Teacher System
Ren Zhu: Quiet! Quiet! Look at the blackboard! I’m going to start teaching!
Bear child 1 [1]: Hahaha! Who is this weak chicken!
Bear child 2: May as well dance than listen to class. Why start the class!
Fake good child: Sit upright.
Ren Zhu: ……
Bear child 1: You received the class teacher’s quiet gaze x 1. Physical strength -500. Entered the weak state!
Bear child 2: You received the class teacher’s deep gaze x 1. Intelligence -50. Entered the dumb state!
Fake good child: You received the class teacher’s gratified gaze x 1. Intelligence and physical strength +50. Entered the excited state.
Ren Zhu: My goal is to teach and educate people, and bring love to every bear child. Thank you.
[1] 熊孩子 – literally translates to ‘bear child’. The term is used to address mischievous children.You’re reading “Class Teacher System” novel at Don’t forget to rate and comment this novel. Share if you like, thank you!
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