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Circumstances of a Fallen Lord
Circumstances of a Fallen Lord

Circumstances of a Fallen Lord

122 Chapters 5K Views 30 Bookmarked Completed Status


Luisen was a lord who wasted his life away after fleeing his castle in the middle of the night during a war. He died experiencing bitter regret, but when he opened his eyes, he found he had regressed back to that night he ran away!

There’s no fleeing twice! This time he’s determined not to leave the territory, but to protect it…

Going alone to the enemy to surrender himself, Luisen met Carlton, a noble-hating mad-dog mercenary. The two found strange solidarity as unfortunate souls who threw away their life’s potential through horrible choices.

“If I die, so will you,” Luisen said.

Carlton, who acknowledged the reality of Luisen’s statement, suddenly began to think, “Why is the duke helping me so much?”

From then on, his gaze began to linger on Luisen.

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