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Cannon Fire Arc
Cannon Fire Arc

Cannon Fire Arc

72 Chapters 304 Views 39 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Synopsis Wang Zhong arrived in an alternate world and became embroiled in this world’s global war. What he gained was a cheat, akin to a real-time strategy game’s overhead perspective, and he could even see through the eyes of his subordinates’ units! So, he decisively started micro-managing, “Shift the machine gun position five centimeters to the left! Place the anti-tank cannon in the forest on the right!” Three years passed in this manner, and Wang Zhong looked at the marshal’s baton in his hand, then at the double-headed eagle flag behind the emperor’s envoy. “In my hometown, there’s an old saying, ‘Princes and generals, are they not sprung from the masses?’ Envoy, do you know of it?” Show more

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