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282 Chapters 4.9K Views 46 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


A generation after the last Great War, the world prospers while leaving the BloodStar Empire sequestered and alone.

However, things begin to change as the next BloodStar heir aims to make new allies in a world more willing to forgive her empire’s tragic past of violence. The beautiful and young Xenia BloodStar is a world-class beauty, a calculating politician, and an immensely powerful ki user.

In an established world ruled by Master Families, will the Princess BloodStar use her beauty and power to elevate her empire on the world stage?

Or will she follow in her mother’s footsteps of violence and war?


Release schedule: New chapter every day at 9:00 AM CST.

Thanks for reading :)

For those interested, there is an uncensored version (about 10% longer) with more sex and more violence on the Patreon (all posts are free and public). But be warned, if you know Xenia, then you may not be surprised to know she likes to mix her sex and violence together.

If that's not your thing, then I'd stick to the story here on Royal Road which has 100% of the actual story and still has sex but is often abbreviated or less violent.

Thank you all!

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