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Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons
Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

643 Chapters 18.5K Views 141 Bookmarked Completed Status


Millions ofyears inthe future, the Sun collapsed, and the existence ofthe human race onEarth was about toend.

Yet, the arrival ofthe Xis, anomnipotent alien race, saved the human from mass extinction and forced them tolive under the surface ofthe airless, dying planet.

Their act wasn’t selfless though. The Xis forced the human race toatone for their sins against the Earth bysending them onajourney toexplore their ancient bloodlines.

They created anartificial solar system with aplanet for each ofthe ancient pantheons, and divided the remains ofthe human race according totheir ancestors.

Dag, anearthling kid, isabout toundergo the test ofhis bloodline through analien machine called «Temporum».

The Temporum would send him tothe Viking planet, where hewill discover aneerie connection with the ancient Gods and learn towield part oftheir power.

However, hewill soon find out that his bloodline hides far more than that…

6 pantheons; 6 destination planets.

Amultitude ofGods and supernatural powers.

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