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Blessing from the Goddess and Transfer to Another World! ~No Thanks, I Don’t Need a Special Ability~
Blessing from the Goddess and Transfer to Another World! ~No Thanks, I Don’t Need a Special Ability~

Blessing from the Goddess and Transfer to Another World! ~No Thanks, I Don’t Need a Special Ability~

313 Chapters 1K Views 194 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


The people who stayed at school after class are summoned to another world. They were asked to defeat the demon king at the royal palace. The People, who were summoned, were to receive one blessing per person, but the protagonist and another girl did not.

The eyes from people around them become cold and the two of them were driven out by the soldiers and decided to leave the capital and travel. They were rewarded with skills and status more than what the soldiers snatched away.

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