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Black Belly Wife
Black Belly Wife

Black Belly Wife

221 Chapters 7.1K Views 38 Bookmarked Completed Status


On the same day, Murong Yun Shu’s father dies, her betrothed ends their betrothal.

Her cousin, an illegitimate prince, returns to Murong Courtyard House and offers to marry her.

She rebuffs her cousin’s offer and accepts the marriage offer from Chu Changge, leader of Mo Jiao Cult.

Under Mo Jiao Cult’s protection, her former betrothed’s sect, and the emperor’s army don’t dare to attack Murong Sect overtly.

In the Jianghu world, no one can boast that they saved Mo Jiao Cult’s leader’s life except Murong Yun Shu.

Chu Changge has never forgotten, she grudgingly saved his life without knowing each other’s identities.

He secretly stole her handkerchief and spent three years searching for his saviour.

Together, Murong Yan Shu and Chu Changge become the most feared black belly couple in the Wuxia world.

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