Back to the Beginning of Ming to do Charity
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After traversing tothe end ofthe Yuan dynasty but just before the start ofthe Ming dynasty, Lin Yuan originally prepared tofollow inthe footsteps ofhis time travelling seniors. Invent tanks, cannons, and steam engines while gaining underlings and dominating the world.
However, before herealized it, Lin Yuan’s followed byacrowd ofimpoverished and destitute people~
«Follow after Boss! There will befood toeat!»
«Follow after Boss! Nomore starvation!»
The goal istodominate the world, the tragic reality however ismore about building and farming.
This isastory about astraight (?) Gary Stu protagonist ‘forced’ into becoming amale living Buddha.
However, before herealized it, Lin Yuan’s followed byacrowd ofimpoverished and destitute people~
«Follow after Boss! There will befood toeat!»
«Follow after Boss! Nomore starvation!»
The goal istodominate the world, the tragic reality however ismore about building and farming.
This isastory about astraight (?) Gary Stu protagonist ‘forced’ into becoming amale living Buddha.
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