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Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.
Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

186 Chapters 1000 Views 51 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Follow the story of Tianlian Liu Shu, a tree who didn't know anything at first and struggles to survive and extend her roots through the cosmos.

The World she lives in is filled with fantastic sights and strange new cultures, and there is something everybody in this World has: A system.

Moreover, even while she is a tree, she has people who will fawn over her...?

"Tiantian, does the Sun feel good on your leaves today?"

"Liu Liu, I've found this delicious compost made of natural extract~."

"Tian'er, does the wind feel good on your branches?"

Tianlian Liu Shu, a female tree, didn't really know what to do with these fawning women.

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