«AVillainess should bestrong», she thought asshe vaporized anentire lake. The day Estelle Clareste was born, she already had the memories ofKirisaki Reina, a21-year-old woman living inmodern Japan.
From aVillainous Duke’s daughter, tothe world’s leader, and suddenly aGoddess?! Estelle’s past, was itassimple asshe first thought? Orwas there something more lurking behind?
Will she achieve her goals, orwill she meet her downfall before that?
From aVillainous Duke’s daughter, tothe world’s leader, and suddenly aGoddess?! Estelle’s past, was itassimple asshe first thought? Orwas there something more lurking behind?
Will she achieve her goals, orwill she meet her downfall before that?
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