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A strange new life
A strange new life

A strange new life

103 Chapters 441 Views 25 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Hyuga affair happened, and somehow Hinata got kidnapped. She's lost. She's the dead Hyuga princess.

A Naruto manga fan-girl gets throw in the body of a supposedly dead Hinata. Stuff happens. She watches from the sidelines, trying to manipulate events to her own ends.

Just another Naruto fanfic.

Proofreader: CakeEight (after 3.10)


Writing style is intentional. Can't guarantee a perfect reading. English is not my first language and there will prob be cringe. If you see them, please point them out for me. <3


This fanfiction contains dark themes, including violence, trauma, and psychological manipulation. Any romance is a slow burn and primarily focuses on emotional connection, not physical intimacy. No explicit content will be shown.

Any semblance of romance doesn't happen until very late in the story, and certainly not while the cast are still children.


It takes inspiration from other fanfincs. Specially two:

Dreaming of Sunshine, by Silver Queen

Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve, by FictionOnlyReader

If you haven't read them, go for it. They are way better than this one.

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