A Nerubian's Journey
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If he had to be reborn in a fictional world, then he would prefer that world to not be violent.
Instead, he was reborn in Azeroth.
If he had to be reborn in Azeroth, then he would prefer to be born in a society in which he could live in peace.
Instead, he was reborn in a kingdom fated to be destroyed by an evil necromancer intent on creating an army of the undead.
If he had to be reborn in a kingdom fated to be destroyed by an evil necromancer intent on creating an army of the undead, then he would prefer to be reborn as a human in Lordaeron.
Instead, he was reborn as a nerubian in Azjol-Nerub.
Join an unfortunate nerubian on his journey as he tries to live in a world that would very much prefer him to die.
Crossposting from SB/SV/FF.
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Instead, he was reborn in Azeroth.
If he had to be reborn in Azeroth, then he would prefer to be born in a society in which he could live in peace.
Instead, he was reborn in a kingdom fated to be destroyed by an evil necromancer intent on creating an army of the undead.
If he had to be reborn in a kingdom fated to be destroyed by an evil necromancer intent on creating an army of the undead, then he would prefer to be reborn as a human in Lordaeron.
Instead, he was reborn as a nerubian in Azjol-Nerub.
Join an unfortunate nerubian on his journey as he tries to live in a world that would very much prefer him to die.
Crossposting from SB/SV/FF.
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