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21st Century Necromancer
21st Century Necromancer

21st Century Necromancer

106 Chapters 403 Views 40 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Necromancer】, Originating from ancient Europe, these mysterious wizards were often male, knowing how to summon and enslave the souls of the deceased to create undead creatures.

Usually, those who practiced this craft had frail bodies, pale complexions, and twisted psyches, shunning and distrusting others.

Some, who mastered the art, could even trade their flesh for an immortal Lich's life.

But can someone tell me how to practice the art of necromancy in the 21st century?

In a law-abiding society, I can't even get a skeleton!

Misumi Mikoto: Doctor Chen, come quickly and help me examine this body; I can't find the cause of death!

Jounouchi Hiromi: Doctor Chen, come check on this patient first; what exactly is wrong with him?

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